Outdoor signs most contend with factors that indoor signs do not. The most obvious of these factors is the weather. Outdoor signs need to be designed so they can be visible in evening hours and at night. They also must be manufactured to be durable for the heat and direct sun during the long summer days. You want an outdoor sign that can withstand the elements. They also compete with other signs and need to be more visually stimulating outdoors, so outdoor signs often need to be as bright, vivid, and eye-catching as possible.
Because you have less control over outdoor settings than indoor settings, you must consider the location and surrounding environment of the area in which you want your outdoor sign. Are there other outdoor signs with which your sign must compete? Are there numerous possible obstructions of sightlines to your outdoor sign? What are the elements likely to affect your outdoor sign? You don’t want your outdoor sign faded due to sun bleaching or affected by other outdoor elements.
With regards to different types of signs, there are many. An outdoor sign could be:
Houston Graphic Signs can design and manufacture the outdoor sign that you need. Whether you need a real estate sign, a post & panel sign, building signage in Houston, or any other kind of outdoor sign in the Greater Houston Area, contact us today to get started.