Keeping your company relevant within the marketing space is tough these days, as there is always a new method floating around to consider. When it comes to the good old-fashioned advertisement efforts that older companies used to target, there will always be one that sticks around until the end of time: the A-Frame sign. Using an A-frame sign is incredibly simple and allows you to determine what it says, as well as promote your brand. If you decided to go with the chalkboard variety of A-Frame sign, you wouldn’t be alone – there are plenty of restaurants and food-based businesses out there in the world (such as supermarkets or grocery stores) that make prevalent use of these signs.
Letting people know which kind of products are on sale is simple when you’ve got an A-Frame sign sitting at the entrance of the produce section, and it’s even easier to get your local meal deals out into the eyes of the public. Using an A-Frame sign within foot traffic areas is always going to be an ideal scenario, which is why restaurants are constantly experimenting and trying to find the right placement for their A-Frame signs.
Well, just about anything you’d like! A-Frame signs are versatile in the sense that you’ll be able to see the design on both sides, so if anyone ever feels like a double-take is needed, they won’t be missing out. It’s important to have a direct marketing plan that targets the people walking past your place of business, but you can still make use of these signs inside as well. They are great for pointing people in the right direction and towards specific areas of operation, as well as just offer up general information surrounding your company. The sheer number of things that you can accomplish with an A-Frame sign can be staggering!
It turns out that A-Frame signs are one of the most affordable marketing and sign options that you could choose to make use of as a company. They are not expensive when you compare them to all the other high-quality sign options available to you, and the fact that you can customize them with your very own design is very appealing. You’ll get the marketing power of a massive billboard but only need to use a fraction of the space, which is great for your budget.
If you ever find yourself interested in making use of A-Frame signs for your company, feel free to contact us here at Houston Graphic Signs – we serve the city of Houston and surrounding areas. When you want the job handled correctly, there is nowhere else that you should consider.