If you start your own company or franchise, you will generally need a sign to promote your business on your building. Many existing companies will provide you with the design specifications, color, substrate material, and measurements for installation with their branding guidelines.
You can take these guidelines and have any sign shop build your sign; however, one element is ensuring that it is installed correctly. Your sign may look amazing, large clearly formed letters, a unique design, and possibly backlit, but if your sign is not anchored properly, you may have years of headache as the elements affect your sign and method of installation. This is why you need experts to install your sign using universally accepted methods that meet or exceed permitting or require specifications.
You also need to ensure your sign budget includes the installation or displaying of your sign, so you don’t underestimate the total cost of design, manufacture, and installation or display. The use of tall boom cranes can add to the expense of your sign, but it will lift it above your competition. At Houston Graphic Signs, we are going to provide you with a fully inclusive quote for your sign design and installation in the Greater Houston Area. We can create and install your sign in Uptown Houston and light up your Heights bar or restaurant, so it gets noticed with one full-service price. If you are on a budget, you can design and install portions over a period of time with using our project management office that will allow you to continually build out your branding inside and outside until the project is complete.
The image of your company is first created visually with your customers. You can have the most beautifully designed sign or display in the world, but if it is not installed properly or in the right location, it can poorly reflect on your company and your image. That’s why at Houston Graphic Signs, we offer sign installation as well as our sign design and manufacturing services. Not only can we undertake the often tricky task of installing your sign, but because we will be installing it, we will ensure it gets noticed and re-enforce your brand image.
All of this makes for better-designed signs and fewer headaches for you. If you’re in the Greater Houston Area and would like to know more about our sign installation services, please contact us.