As a consumer, there are many things that will draw your attention, such as a properly placed outdoor sign or even just a promotional e-mail of some sort. There are many different ways to go about marketing your company to the general public, but very few of them are going to let you be as creative as a floor graphic would. Not only will floor graphics introduce another platform to use for branding your company, but it’s also just another way to solidify your professional presence. Many companies forget to work on their presence and maintaining a professional look, which is something that alarms most customers.
When you want to know how you should be applying your floor graphics, as well as when you should be doing so, you’re in the right place. This article will look at the benefits of floor graphics and then quickly talk about how they are used within most businesses. Just about any company in the world will have a use for floor graphics, it’s merely a matter of figuring out where it should be used (and what it should consist of).
Floor graphics are typically comprised of two different materials, those being the base material for the graphic itself and then the laminate that will keep the floor graphic attached to the ground. Most of the time you’re going to receive a scratch-resistant vinyl surface (in regards to the over-laminate), while the base layer is typically some sort of adhesive that will naturally stick to the floor. There are many instances where the floor graphic was created with low-quality materials and it’s obvious, as the durability and quality just aren’t there.
When talking about the scratch/scuff resistant outer layer, there are various thicknesses that can be associated with your over-laminate. Sometimes you’ll want to go a little thicker to ensure that your graphic is going to be protected, but it might have a negative impact on the visual aspect of your floor graphic – the thickness options would usually be:
We’ve been helping business owners with their floor graphic needs ever since we landed in Houston, which has allowed us to build a reputation that our customers will happily echo. We’re always prepared to take on any project necessary, whether it’s small or big – it doesn’t matter to us, as we’re going to handle it as professionally as possible every single time. That’s what makes us different from all of the other sign and graphics providers within Houston, it’s the fact that we truly care about the performance/quality of your projects.
Feel free to contact us today and we can walk you through a short consultation, giving us an opportunity to learn as much as possible about your upcoming project.